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A Theology of Worship:  'Singing' a New Song to the LORD

Table of Contents


Verse 1

Verse 2

Verse 3

Verse 4

Verse 5


printable pdf of entire study


Scripture Index

Note: page numbers correspond to the PDF file pagination.


Prelude........................................................................................................ iii



Verse 1  Out of Tune in Secondary Sanctuary.......................................... 1

            A Secondary Sanctuary     2

                   In Contrast and In Conflict     2

                   Out of Tune     4

            Tune Up!     8

            Chorus      14



Verse 2  Composing a New Sanctuary.......................................................15

            The Necessity of Relational Clarity and Relational Significance    15

                   Learning from the Old Testament     18

                   The Worshipers God Seeks     20

In Whose Key? Perceptual-Interpretive Framework and Lens     23

                   Seeing Outer In: quantitative perceptual-interpretive framework    23

                   Grace: transforming perceptual-interpretive framework                27

                   Seeing Inner Out: qualitative perceptual-interpretive framework    31

The Person We Present     34

Functional Implications     39

Chorus     39



Verse 3  Jesus, the Key..............................................................................41

            Sourcebook Notes      43

            Jesus’ Table Fellowship      46

            The Lord’s Supper and the Major Relational Barrier    51

            Being Family at the Lord’s Supper     55

            Exposing Human Shaping      59                   

                   Is Jesus in the bread and wine?     60

                   Is water baptism a requirement for partaking in Communion?    61

                   Triumph of the secondary and substitutes     68

Transforming Communion to Transform Worship    68

Chorus   73



Verse 4  ‘Singing’ a New Song in Relational Language.............................. 75

Music’s Qualitative Nature and Unique Relational Function    76

Reduction of Music’s Unique Function    83

Performing Out of Tune    86

Deeper Implications    90

Chorus     94



Verse 5  ...in the Key of Jesus.................................................................... 95

Tuning in to Relational Clarity and Relational Significance     95

Discomfort with Intimacy      98

‘Singing’ at the Lord’s Supper    100

Proclamation of the Word      101

‘Singing’ More Verses      102

The Need to Know      105

Chorus      107



Finale......................................................................................................... 109

            ‘Singing’ the New Song (song)    110



Bibliography......................................................................... .....................111



Scripture Index.......................................................................................... 115




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