Inescapable Issues Accountable in All Christians Integral Theology and Practice for Viable Faith in Everyday Life
Contents |
Note: page numbers correspond with pdf version of study
Ch 1 ISSUE 1: Understanding the Surrounding Context, Culture
What Surrounds You 12 Getting into What Surrounds Us 14 Humans in Context 18 Contextualized by and in Culture 19 Humans Progress Evolving 21 Contextualizations Infrastructure 23 The Culture of Contextualized Christians 25 The Critical Cultural Shift 27 Jesus Engaging Culture 28 Jesus Integral Approach 30 The Culture of Our Theology and Practice 33 Accountable for Our Will 36
Ch 2 ISSUE 2: Examining Our Identity Formation and Its Roots 39
Human Identity Formation Footprint 40 Identity Formation Equation 42 Revising the Identity Equation 47 The Words Identity Call 52 Identity Crisis 57 Bifocal Identity 63 Identity Formation Narrows to the New 68 The Taste of the New 71 The Growth of the New 73 The Uncommon of the New 75 The New Distinguished from the Old 80 The New Embodied Alive 84 Counteracting Identity Theft 87
Ch 3 ISSUE 3: Knowing God & Understanding the Bible ...91
The Words of the Bible 91 The Language in Use 94 Language Barriers 100 The Subtitles of Language 102 The Unavoidable Need to Challenge Interpretations 103 Transitioning in Our Challenge 112 The Math of Gods Word 120 Calculating Holy 122 The Only Outcome of Significance 126
Ch 4 ISSUE 4: The Issue of Highest Priority: Listening ..129
Hear or Listen 130 Dissonance and Consonance 132 The Illusion of Consonance 135 Listening for Viable Faith 136 Listenings Relational Outcome 141
Ch 5 ISSUE 5: How Our Person Functions 143
A Conscious Narrative 143 Conflicting Narratives 147 Variable Ontology and Function 153 Qualifying the Whole Person 159 Embodying Our Image or Gods 167
Ch 6 ISSUE 6: Knowing Our Neighbor and Understanding
The Rule of Law or Rule of Relationship 177 The Human Dynamics of Neighbor 178 The Tactical Action for Neighbor 180 The Nature of Witness 183 The Basis for Our Witness 184 The Constituting Basis of My Witnesses 186
Ch 7 ISSUE 7: The Theology and Practice of Our Discipleship
Distinguishing Discipleship as Unfolded from the Gospel 192 The Relational Progression of Jesus Disciples 198 Progression as Disciples and Church or Regressing? 210 Church Identity Transitioned 215 Church Function Transitioned 222 Church Witness Transitioned 226 The Church Transitioned as Equalizer 231
Ch 8 Living with Viable Faith ..235
The Works of Faith Work 236 Living Viably in the Human Context 240
Scripture Index (Primary Source) 243
Bibliography (Secondary Source) .246
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